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Our Journey

Sustainability is now central to our mission statement; however, we have been on a journey to get here, and will be on a journey to continue acting in a sustainable manner in the future. We welcome you to join us, reducing our impact on the environment, and having positive interactions with our local ecosystem and people.

Lyan Packaging founded as a general packaging merchant.
ISO 9001 accreditation gained, building our commitment to providing high quality packaging solutions and customer service.
Icertech founded by our now chairman, David Jones. This was founded after he identified a need for quality chilled packaging, at this time for the pharmaceutical industry.
First Ecobox launched, which was a folded carboard insert to offer insulation. Whilst this was not successful at the time because of market demand, it does show our commitment to the environment and an innovative product range has long ran deep within our ethos.
First gel machine installed, allowing our coolants to be manufactured onsite in Wrexham, North Wales
Investors in people accreditation achieved, this reflects the importance of our staff to us, which is now reflected in our triple bottom line.
Our Enviro range established, this was done with the launch of the Eco-box, a fully paper-based solution that is 100% kerbside recyclable. The original eco-liner was sourced from the West Coast of America, increasing the environmental impact of the product associate with transport.
Our offices were renovated, including the installation of a HVAC system for our heating and AC. This helped to reduce our gas usage.
Our Enviro range was expanded to include the Corr-Box solution
Eco-Liner production moved to the UK, this reduced the impact of the product, transporting the liner only 45minutes by road, rather than from the West Coast of America.
Solar panels installed, providing us with renewable energy generated onsite to be used in our production, warehouse and office operations.
ISO 14001 accreditation gained, providing an environmental management system. This system provides structure and support for all operations from an environmental perspective
A 2 year Knowledge transfer partnership started collaborating with Bangor University and funded by Innovate UK and the Welsh Government. The aim of the project is to conduct Life Cycle Assessment on all stock Icertech products, and use the information gained to reduce the footprint of our packaging.
Our sustainability and environmental aims are established, providing a framework for our sustainable development going forward.
Enviro range expanded with the release of the Boxy-Bag.
Our organizational footprint was calculated, giving a baseline from which reduction measures will be recorded against.
Packaging with Purpose motto adopted, summarising our methodology to product development and guidance we offer to customers.